25 Cool Kid-Friendly Home Decor Ideas

cool kid friendly home decor ideas cover

If you have kids and want to make your home kid-friendly, trendy and showing off your personality at the same time, there are some ideas to do that. Of course, you don’t want your home to become a whole play space for your kids, so we’ll just add some points to it.

Give Them Their Space

Every child wants to have a small nook or a whole room only for them, it will make them feel comfortable and part of the home. Whether you are going for a playroom for the kids or just want to redesign their bedrooms fulfilling their dreams, giving them their own space is always a good idea, and the more personalized the room is, the more they will want to be in that room.

a fun and creative kids' playroom with a climbing wall, a net and many toys is a very bold idea to try

a fun and creative kids’ playroom with a climbing wall, a net and many toys is a very bold idea to try

a <a href=colorful kids’ playroom with a climbing wall, pink sofas, colorful artworks and a rug plus toys” title=”a colorful kids’ playroom with a climbing wall, pink sofas, colorful artworks and a rug plus toys” src=”” data-lazy-src=”https://buyshop24.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1603232788_887_25-Cool-Kid-Friendly-Home-Decor-Ideas.jpg” width=”564″ height=”636″/>

a colorful kids’ playroom with a climbing wall, pink sofas, colorful artworks and a rug plus toys

a unique kids' room with a study space, a reading sphere, an upper sleeping space and a climbing wall

a unique kids’ room with a study space, a reading sphere, an upper sleeping space and a climbing wall

an ultimate playroom with a colorful statement wall, a neutral storage unit, some comfy chairs is very cool

an ultimate playroom with a colorful statement wall, a neutral storage unit, some comfy chairs is very cool

a cute and welcoming kids' play space with natural wooden furniture, pretty toys and potted plants and botanical posters

a cute and welcoming kids’ play space with natural wooden furniture, pretty toys and potted plants and botanical posters

a colorful and bold playroom with open storage units, a bold artwork and bright rug, furniture and accessories

a colorful and bold playroom with open storage units, a bold artwork and bright rug, furniture and accessories

a fun and bold kids' playroom with sofas lining up the wall, a creativity zone, polka dot walls and a ceiling and bright toys

a fun and bold kids’ playroom with sofas lining up the wall, a creativity zone, polka dot walls and a ceiling and bright toys

a vivacious playroom with open storage spaces, a windowsill bench, white furniture and colorful toys and books

a vivacious playroom with open storage spaces, a windowsill bench, white furniture and colorful toys and books

a contemporary pastel bedroom with an upholstered wall, creative storage units, layered rugs and pretty throws and toys

a contemporary pastel bedroom with an upholstered wall, creative storage units, layered rugs and pretty throws and toys

a colorful modern kids' playroom with a chalkboard wall, bold furniture and a rug, colorful crayons and books

a colorful modern kids’ playroom with a chalkboard wall, bold furniture and a rug, colorful crayons and books

Frame Their Artworks

Children create their masterpieces with an extreme sense of pride, so take pride in the work your kids do and display them. The trick is putting them in metallic frames and focusing on what they do to the room. Whether that brings color or even texture you want to have them look and feel as put together as possible. I totally love gallery walls with kids’ and usual artworks and signs – such eclectics is key to success!

a colorful gallery wall with kids' artworks placed into colorful frames is a bold decor idea to rock

a colorful gallery wall with kids’ artworks placed into colorful frames is a bold decor idea to rock

a gallery wall where usual and bold artworks are paired with kids' works and look super cool together

a gallery wall where usual and bold artworks are paired with kids’ works and look super cool together

a bold kids' artwork display with railings is a stylish and cool idea and you may add more and more works there

a bold kids’ artwork display with railings is a stylish and cool idea and you may add more and more works there

several grids attached to the wall with bold artworks of your kids is a cool idea that will allow to add or remove some of art pieces

several grids attached to the wall with bold artworks of your kids is a cool idea that will allow to add or remove some of art pieces

a kids' artwork gallery wall organized like that is a very creative and bold idea to go for

a kids’ artwork gallery wall organized like that is a very creative and bold idea to go for

a wall of fame is a gorgeous way to make your kids feel proud of what they have created

a wall of fame is a gorgeous way to make your kids feel proud of what they have created

modern white ledges like these ones will show off your kids' artworks at their best - in frames or without any

modern white ledges like these ones will show off your kids’ artworks at their best – in frames or without any

a bold gallery wall with lots of kids' artworks hanging is a creative and chic idea to try

a bold gallery wall with lots of kids’ artworks hanging is a creative and chic idea to try

a stylish gallery wall over the staircase will display your kids' works at their best and they will be seen any time

a stylish gallery wall over the staircase will display your kids’ works at their best and they will be seen any time

Display Books

If you truly want to get your kids to read, consider displaying books. You want to display books almost as if they’re art pieces. Doing so will bring a little bit of joy while providing them with books they can fall in love with. Display both the books they have read and those you think they might like and that may inspire them to read.

a stylish reading nook with a comfy bench and pillows and wooden ledges on the wall to display the books

a stylish reading nook with a comfy bench and pillows and wooden ledges on the wall to display the books

a comfy space for reading - ledges with colorful kid books and a soft seat with toys

a comfy space for reading – ledges with colorful kid books and a soft seat with toys

a cozy reading nook with a soft seat with pillows and ledges with books, some art and some plants

a cozy reading nook with a soft seat with pillows and ledges with books, some art and some plants

a colorful reading nook with a bright seat by the window and ledges on the wall is separated with colorful curtains

a colorful reading nook with a bright seat by the window and ledges on the wall is separated with colorful curtains

a stylish modern reading nook with colorful seats and pillows, bold art and books in shelves

a stylish modern reading nook with colorful seats and pillows, bold art and books in shelves

a contemporary reading nook with white and light stained furniture, bold books and toys

a contemporary reading nook with white and light stained furniture, bold books and toys

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