Cuba-Buba Game Modules Provide an Escape for Hospitalized Children

If you ever stayed in the hospital as a child, or know a child who has, you’ll realize the important work Ukrainian design studio Decorkuznetsov and the Vlada Brusilovska Foundation are doing. In 2017, they launched the Cuba-Buba project as an exploration into making the hospital environment friendlier. Since then, six different game modules have been created and installed in children’s hospitals across Ukraine. Their hope is that each Cuba-Buba game module can provide emotional relaxation that allows patients to forget they’re in the hospital for just a bit as they focus on treatment.

structure with shelves


The newest model is Cuba-Buba Sunny, it combines happy white and yellow colors with a filtered light ceiling that features a carved pattern inspired by the ancient Hindu temple of Kopeshwar. The walls can be closed or left open. Inside the module, you’ll find shelves that are lined with toys and a study area.

structure with shelves


“People with mental disorders tend to shut themselves in. The job of doctors, teachers and hospital staff, among other things, is to keep them in touch. The Cuba-Buba Sunny module is an emotionally friendly environment that produces new experiences. Sitting inside, you can build fantasy cities for baby dolls. Or you can just lie down, dream, feel safe and in touch with the universe. In the middle of the vault, there is a large round hole that lets in rays of light. Thanks to this solution, a certain sacredness has also appeared in our module. Not literally, but on a deep emotional level,” says designer Valery Kuznetsov, founder of Decorkuznetsov studio.

shelves with plants


“Cuba-Buba is aimed at improving a person’s psycho-emotional state, it is like going out into another friendly and cozy reality. We base our work on the principles of evidence-based design; a direction initiated by Swedish researcher Roger Ulrich. In the process of work we study the issues more deeply, adapt the general principles to the local needs of our hospitals, focus on our own observations and feedback of doctors and staff,” says the founder of the charity foundation, Vlada Brusilovska.


CUBA-BUBA 1, module with shelves, tables and seats

two girls sitting at a table


yarn wall

CUBA-BUBA MATRIX, white module with perforations and colored ropes that can be pulled through the holes

yarn wall


structure covered in shelves

CUBA-BUBA 3, an improved version of the first model with a drawing board and tactile samples of various textures on the facade



house sihouette

CUBA-BUBA 4, a structure without walls, which is also an oversized musical instrument

oversized chimes


To learn more about Cuba-Buba, visit

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