Emily’s “Messy” But FULL Of Memories Christmas Family Room
As Birdie succinctly told Charlie while I was in the other room, ‘this tree is more fun and REALLY messy, the other tree is more pretty.’ Indeed. Since we happen to have two hang out spaces (living and family) we broke them up and put the more pretty/curated tree in the more formal space and put all the personal ornaments in here. And in here, the family room, there is a ‘no rules’ approach to decorating the tree and I just let them go for it. This is where they take out each ornament and squeal with a ‘mama I remember this!’ reaction when it is one that they picked out or got for a gift, and then they throw it on the tree, haphazardly for sure. More color, more fun, more personal. Here we go.

Faux Garland | Wood Cut Out Garland (similar) | Dotted Striped Pillow | Color Blocked Pillow | Sheepskins
I still wanted to keep it fairly manageable and easy to keep together, so I didn’t go all out but wanted to bring in more red. I swear that living up here and not having access to stores (sure, online but I have to order at least 10 days in advance) is making me use what we have and helping me hold back, in a good way. For instance, I could have put two wreaths in those windows (which would have looked cute in the shot) but the room as a whole had enough (and I didn’t have the wreaths). Instead, we did tree, garland, and those cute little plush toys that I’ve had forever and work so well up here and the kids love (sorry no longer available). I got a couple of new pillows because I had given all of my bolder red ones away to an EHD Insider Member when I thought I wouldn’t want red up here (I was wrong).

The mantel just has a garland and a tree figurine garland that might need to be taken down because when we keep the fire on for hours it melts the hot glue holding the wood pieces onto the garland… whoops.

Tree | Tree Collar | Popcorn Bowl | Tray | Santa Mugs | Bottle Brush Trees (similar) | Candle
There she is, dripping with ornaments and 2-3 different garlands? Brian picked up the tree from Target last week, and I added that cute tray, a couple of pillows (dotted and color blocked) and popcorn bowl to the order but everything else we had. Don’t worry, the kids drink from those Santa mugs year-round, every. single. day. which I objected to because I wanted to keep them special but then I was like ‘why am I making this a battle?’ and just let them drink water with Santa. The bottle brush trees are from a few years ago (similar ones here).

Beaded Garland (similar) | Pom Garland | Rocker
We don’t have a star on this tree, which I’m ok with because the one that we had rotates neon lights on the ceiling which the kids obviously LOVE so I “let them”/insisted on them having it in their room. The rocker is from Monroe Workshop that I’ve had since Birdie was a baby and it’s going to be a permanent family heirloom. I’m pretty sure that plaid cloth is a tablecloth, FYI 🙂

She is dripping with ornaments and we haven’t even got our 2020 personalized ones in the mail yet (remember this post?). A lot of DIYed from last year, ornaments from trips, or just ones that they picked out at Target last year or the year before as ‘their’ ornaments (the sequin iguana for instance).
We even have a few from Brian when he was little (on the right) and Charlie’s from preschool (on the left). Not to brag but I made that button snowman last year (white and black buttons + hot glue) and it reads ‘mama 2019’ on the bottom OF COURSE.

We saved a few ornaments to put on during this shoot, to try to get some family shots (and it was HARD FYI).

This year I finally got around to putting all my Santa photos in frames, inspired by a friend who always does it. It’s such a fun thing to collect and put out.

I’ve already amassed quite the collection:) Also what is going to happen this year??? Seems like even with masks it’s going to feel very questionable to see Santa.

Thin Natural Frames | Thin White Frames | Large Wide White Frame | White Wedge Frame
I love that we can pull these out every year, frame them in readymade frames (I just used these from Target) and it makes the room feel so personal and “holiday” but in a simple way of just one element.

Matching Family PJs
I made myself stop in these rooms, almost. I put a wreath and a cookie jar in the kitchen, and hung some wreaths and a quick tablescape in the dining room. I had a lot of extra decoration that was taunting me to spread around the house – bathrooms, kid’s room, etc, but instead, I gave it all to my neighbor and just had a newborn and it felt SO good.
Are you guys feeling like you are going more all out this year? Or pulling it back? I think 2 full trees is enough for us this year 🙂
*Design by Emily Henderson
**Photo by Sara Ligorria-Tramp
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