Free Printable Camping Checklist for Your Next Camping Adventure
The following is a guest post with a free printable camping checklist for your next camping adventure from regular contributor, Morgan from Morganize with Me.
We just returned from a six-day road trip and camping adventure in southern Utah. This was a much needed break for all of us and we so enjoyed the opportunity to be in the great outdoors. Our highlights included camping next to a lake and visiting Zion National Park. Southern Utah is absolutely gorgeous!
If you want to get away and have a camping adventure, here are three tips to help make it a reality and a success! Because after all, what’s better than sleeping under the stars and eating s’mores and telling stories around the camp fire?
Make a Plan and Reservation:
Start by blocking out the days on your calendar. Consider how long you want to camp and what would be a good fit for your group. We find that if we don’t plan our camping dates then we are less likely to make it a priority.
Also, campsites can fill up quickly, so make a point to get online or call to reserve your spot. I found that the online registration was really easy. It was also nice to be able to pick a campsite that had a lake view and was also near the bathrooms (but not too close!). There are so many fabulous options of where to camp. Spend some time on google and check out the reviews, this will help to narrow down your options. We landed on Quail Creek Campground near St. George, Utah.
Make a Back-Up Plan:
I’m speaking from experience here. Two summers ago we drove to South Dakota and camped near Mount Rushmore. Well on our second night it rained ALL night long. And when I say all night, I mean it.
Now, we are not “serious” campers and as tent sleepers we were not prepared for a severe rainstorm. This event led to an early morning departure where we had to shove all of the drenched camping supplies into the car. The worst part was we had planned to visit Mount Rushmore that day and when we arrived to see the site the low clouds made it impossible to see the sculptures. Oh well, I guess we’ll need to make a trip back!
So, look at where you might be able to stay should the weather and/or conditions not be conducive to a positive experience. Having a plan B is always a good idea!
Make a camping checkList:
We have a goal of camping at least once each summer. Therefore, as we continue to camp we also continue to fine tune our prepping and planning. (There have been more times than I can count when we’ve come up short with supplies!) Because there are so many supplies necessary to help make your camping experience fluid, I finally created a full camping checklist.
This is a camping checklist for tent camping, but it could be used for any type of adventuring. You may personalize and add/delete things as required. I found having this detailed list made our packing and prepping so much easier! If you’d like a copy for yourself please head HERE to download your own free copy.
Getting away and into nature is good for the soul. As is having a flashlight when you need it and a clothesline to dry your towels. Wishing you a beautiful rest of your summer and may you find some rest too!
Happy Camping and Organizing!
Morgan is a professional organizer (chaos calmer), writer (list lover), and exercise enthusiast (fitness fan), keep up with her on her site, Morganize with Me. Her mission is to share tried and true techniques that she hopes will encourage her readers and clients as they focus on their health and homes. Check out her Books, join one of her Challenges, listen to her Podcast, and be sure to check out her Shop full of fabulous organizing printables!
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