The Moon Coffee Maker Drips With Caffeine and Cuteness
Several of our team here would describe themselves as “coffee obsessed” [raises hand], perpetually investigating new roasts and preparation methods inspired by a love of the roasted bean. Which partially explains our fascination with the Moon Coffee Maker by Israeli designer Roee Ben Yehuda, an espresso maker reimagined with a friendlier steampunk-meets-kawaii aesthetic, resulting in an appliance intended to present a less intimidating front face than the complexities of a traditional espresso machine.
Yehuda describes the vertically oriented Moon concept as an appliance retaining all the functions of a traditional Italian espresso machine, but imbued with a level of cute not normally associated with the serious business of pulling an espresso (an approach recognizable in Yehuda’s previous work, including this cute alarm clock).
“I’ve always been fascinated with those big chrome machines that almost looked like a small lab, it made me think about how we perceive coffee now when the whole ritual is being reduced to a capsule and a press of a button,” says Yehuda, “…how can I incorporate this love for mechanical and tactile looking objects, with an updated clean look? Can I make a coffee machine that looks scientific, but also has a cute character?”
We think Yehuda may have succeeded, his design imparted with a level of personality that reminds us of one of our favorite artist’s series of work.

The design process, from sketching to 3D modeling and quickmodel tests in polyurethane foam.
For more of Roee Ben Yehuda’s work, check out his site or Instagram. Visit the Design Milk Shop for more coffee and tea essentials!
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